
Right to Manage Claim Notice

This sample Right to Manage Claim Notice is provided as a guide by Brady Solicitors to help you understand the information you need to provide when submitting a right to manage application.

RTM can be an attractive option if you and your fellow leaseholders would like to take control of your block. To begin the work to set up an RTM company you first need the support of at least 50 percent of the leaseholders and will have identified people who will be willing to be directors of the new RTM company.

The acquisition of the Right to Manage can take some time and there are plenty of opportunities for error if procedures are not followed correctly throughout. At Brady Solicitors we have experience of RTM scenarios from straightforward supported RTMs right through to complex defended cases, confronting freeholder tactics to delay the process.

The Right to Manage Claim Notice has prescribed wording and care must be taken to ensure it is completed perfectly to avoid risking a potentially costly defence from your freeholder.

This free RTM Claim Notice is available to you as a download to help you understand what information and detail you need to include in your application.

There are several important points to note when using the RTM Claim Notice:

  • Accuracy is essential when completing an RTM Claim Notice. A mistake in the form may allow your freeholder to challenge the Right to Manage claim and you will be liable for his costs in making this claim.
  • The layout can be changed but the form of words must remain exactly as below.
  • The grey blocks indicate the specific information that needs to be inserted in the Claim Notice.
  • Section 5: The date of the Counter must be at least one month plus service time. We suggest allowing a minimum of 35 days.
  • Section 6: The date for acquisition of the right to manage must be at least three months from the date of the Counter Notice.

Download your free RTM Claim Notice using the form on this page.

For help or advice on acquiring the Right to Manage please click here to contact Brady Solicitors.

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