Brady Solicitors’ Sumi Begum proved that “lost hope” cases can be settled through open communication and a little tenacity.
The managing agent was at their wits’ end with a nuisance leaseholder who had been refusing to pay their service charge for several years. The usual reminders had failed to secure payment and the unpaid arrears threatened to impact the management of the block.
Getting the leaseholder to settle proved difficult, and the matter progressed through the usual recovery routes including mediation. The leaseholder resisted at every stage, and at this point our client reluctantly accepted that the “lost hope case” would be have to be settled through court action.
Sumi decided to try one last time to recover the arrears and picked up the phone to speak to the leaseholder directly to discuss the case.
Open communication ends in great result
Explaining the potential costs involved should the case proceed to court, and using a firm but fair approach, Sumi achieved full payment of the arrears and also recovered a large portion of the legal fees. Bradys’ style of open communication avoided the need to be heavy handed with the leaseholder and ultimately settled the matter without the need to go to court.
The client is delighted with the results of the case. The block is back on track and the relationship with the defaulting leaseholder has improved.
If you have any service charge matters that are proving difficult to settle, do get in touch – we’d be pleased to help.