Essential or planned major works projects can easily be disrupted or delayed if a leaseholder refuses to pay their contribution through the service charge.
In a recent case our client needed to carry out an essential set of major works at a cost of just under £15,000 per leaseholder but couldn’t get started as one leaseholder was refusing to pay.
Brady Solicitors’ Liz Rowen took on the case and immediately set out to ascertain if this was a ‘can’t pay’ or ‘won’t pay’ situation*. After many phone calls with the leaseholder it eventually transpired that it was a ‘can’t pay’ case, and that the leaseholder was digging their heels in to buy more time.
We were able to negotiate with the leaseholder’s lender and present a payment method that would get the problem out of the leaseholder’s hair – and, importantly, enable the major works to recommence.
By understanding the situation and then following the principles of open communication, Liz was able to ensure that the landlord received the much needed payment, the leaseholder could sleep again at night and the major works were back on track.
Find out more
If you are facing difficult ground rent or service charge arrears, contact a member of our specialist Service Charge Recovery team for help and advice on 0115 985 3450 or by email.